Project Description: Animal Shelter finds homes for stray and homeless dogs and cats. Volunteer to help care for and play with the animals, including cleaning yards, brushing, feeding and exercising animals.
Integrate physical, cognitive, behavioral, psychological and social goals into our horseback-riding program. Opportunities available for youth to assist youth with special needs in a therapeutic horseback-riding program. Incorporate youth volunteers in events that we host. Comfort around horses is necessary.
Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council, INC
The Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council (E.O.C.) is the federally designated Community Action Agency for Saratoga County whose mission is to provide low-income people with opportunities to help themselves become economically self-sufficient. Community Services include the Food Pantry, Community Lunch, summer youth Feeding, Extra Helpings, Family Development, Crisis Intervention, FDC Training Project, Wheels to Work and Weatherization Assistance. WIC (Women, … Read More
Domestic Violence And Rape Crisis Services
Volunteers, ages 18 and older needed for hotline, childcare and special projects.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga County
Cornell Cooperative Extension builds partnerships and coalitions with individuals, communities, organizations, and government agencies around issues of mutual concern. Youth can volunteer to do things from teaching others to prune trees to mentoring individuals as they learn new skills. Youth can apply to serve as a Board Member on committees that organize the work of the organization. Volunteers needed to … Read More
Corinth Churches Community Cupboard Food Pantry
Contact Person: Rev. John Aldridge, 654-9432 203 Palmer Ave. Corinth, New York 12822 Hours: Monday through Friday, 2:30- 3:30 pm.
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