Shenendehowa Helping Hands Food Pantry 

Shenendehowa Helping Hands Food Pantry  We are located in the Jonesville United Methodist Church-963 Main Street Clifton Park, NY 12065 Contact Person: Sheila Krupski, , 518-877-7380 Hours:  F- 9-12 noon.

Galway Food Pantry

Contact Person: Mary Baxter, 882-1316 5291 North Street-Galway Ballston Rd. (Front of Lions Bldg.) Galway, New York 12074 Hours: Thursday 10-7pm

National Museum Of Dance

Volunteers’ ages 18 years old and older, three hours per week to answer phones, work in the gift shop, do office work, tours and help with special events.

Moreau Community Center

There are numerous volunteer opportunities at the center such as teaching computer classes, organizing the food pantry, delivering Meals on Wheels, answering the phone and assisting with the Senior Calendar and the quarterly “Connections” newsletter. Community services include: Nursery School, Summer Camp, Latchkey Program, Summer Pre-school Program, Head Start, Back to School Program, Teen View, Outreach Library, Specialty Dinners, Annual … Read More

Mechanicville Area Community Services Center, Inc.

Food Pantry Volunteer- Volunteers needed for food pantry, 2x/week, 14 year olds or older. Volunteers assist with packing food orders for food pantry clients. The Pantry is open Tuesdays from 11-1 and Thursday evenings from 5:30-7:30. Assistance is also needed in the picking up of food from the regional food bank in Latham (roughly once a month) or other donations … Read More

Mary’s Haven

Volunteers to assist in providing care and comfort to the terminally ill at this community home for the dying in Saratoga Springs.  Initial and ongoing training will be provided. Volunteers interested in flowers and gardening are needed in the on-site garden.

Lake George Opera

Volunteer opportunities to help with mailings and program stuffing sporadically throughout the year.

Home Of The Good Shepherd at Saratoga Springs

Social and recreational activities are important to a person’s wellbeing. We welcome volunteers to enhance the activities for our residents. Sample activities include: exercising, reminiscing, poker, jeopardy, bingo, book club, theater, game day, flower design, balloon badminton, Mystery Game Hour, one-to-one visits, sing-alongs, Wii bowling, pet walks, crossword puzzles.

Helping Hands

Youth 16 or older needed to assist in preschool special education classrooms.

Habitat For Humanity Of Northern Saratoga, Warren And Washinton Counties

Habitat for Humanity brings families and communities in need together with volunteers and resources to build decent affordable housing. Individuals between ages of 14 and 16 can do limited work on the sites. They can paint or landscape but should not be on site when construction is going on. Volunteers between the ages of 16 and 18 can do general … Read More

Girl Scouts Of Northeastern New York

Volunteer leaders age 18 and older to act as leader, co-leader or assistant leader for all levels of Girl Scouting in areas of Warren, Washington and Saratoga Counties and parts of Essex County

Franklin Community Center, Inc.

Project Lift is a prevention program offering comprehensive educational and social services for children and their families who attend elementary schools in the Saratoga Springs School District.  Operating in the City School District since 1984, the research-based program is designed to enhance resiliency and reduce risks including those associated with alcohol, drugs and violence.  Responsible and compassionate people are wanted … Read More

Community Human Services

CHS provides/facilitates services for families and individuals including education, counseling, referral by bringing together professional staff and community support. Volunteer at fundraising events such as the CHS Route 50 Run, The Care Links Luncheon and monthly luncheons. Volunteer as a counselor at the CHS Youth Services Program. Job Match Program- volunteers assist with Job Fair to help teens find paid … Read More

Community Hospice Of Saratoga

To promote emotional support to patient families in home, community, inpatient and nursing home settings.  Volunteer opportunities for 18 year olds or older. Requirements: 25 hour training offered two times per year provided by Hospice Staff. One-year commitment requested. Physical exam and TB test required. Volunteers are requested to wait one year to volunteer after personal loss.

Estherville Animal Shelter

Project Description: Animal Shelter finds homes for stray and homeless dogs and cats. Volunteer to help care for and play with the animals, including cleaning yards, brushing, feeding and exercising animals.