We are a group of volunteers dedicated to planning Saratoga’s observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (every January). Â
We honor Dr. King by celebrating his life and work, and exploring the principles by which he lived. Dr. King was deeply committed to the principles of non-violence and social justice and understood these two principles were inextricably linked. Our intention is to offer thought-provoking programs with inclusive, honest dialogue that address how we, as individuals & as a community, can create racial and social justice for all.
Volunteers needed for short and long term projects: updating our Facebook page, creating a website, program/event planning, volunteering at events, high school liaison; graphic design for posters and flyers, fundraising. Opportunity for community service hours and internships (high school and college level).
Contact: Hollyday Hammond, (518) 421-7099
Saratoga.MLK@gmail.com Facebook.com/MLK.Saratoga