Project Lift is a prevention program offering comprehensive educational and social services for children and their families who attend elementary schools in the Saratoga Springs School District. Operating in the City School District since 1984, the research-based program is designed to enhance resiliency and reduce risks including those associated with alcohol, drugs and violence. Responsible and compassionate people are wanted to volunteer for Project Lift, an after school program for youth in grades 1-5 that improves self-esteem and social skills, prevents drug abuse, promotes health and nutrition and provides assistance with homework. The program currently operates at Caroline Street, Dorothy Nolan, Geyser Road, Greenfield and Lake Avenue Elementary Schools.   Youth volunteers are asked to give a minimum of two hours every week for a minimum of one semester. The volunteer must provide his or her own transportation to and from the program. Volunteers, 16 and older, provide help with activities and serve as role models for elementary school children.
Volunteers are needed at the Distribution Center and to help with various events throughout the year. The community center always needs a hand with yard work; food drives and is open to hearing other ideas from youth. Donations of school supplies and foods for snacks are always welcome.
10 Franklin Street
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
Contact Person: Jaime Williams, 518-587-9826, Â
Project Lift Contact Person: Â Kristen Sodher, 518-587-9826 or Â